benefits for the environment

  • climate-friendly and regional

    The Kiri tree, which grows in Germany, is considered one of the fastest-growing trees in the world. In 20 years, it binds 46 times more CO2 than an oak tree.

  • high water efficiency

    The Kiri tree needs comparatively little water to grow. This is a huge advantage in Germany's increasingly dry summers.

  • bee-friendly

    Its purple flowers provide plenty of food for bees in summer. The Kiri tree is therefore also recommended by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) as a bee-friendly tree species.

    Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection 

benefits for your surfboard

  • ultralight

    Many people are skeptical about the weight of wooden surfboards. Paulownia, with its very low surface weight and our unique construction, makes our boards almost as light as EPS boards.

  • less toxic

    The best thing about the material in combination with our construction is that we can do without fiberglass and reduce the use of epoxy to a necessary minimum through a special coating. These are the first important steps on the journey to a surfboard that no longer contains any toxic components.

  • stability

    The honeycomb cell wall structures of the wood create incredible mechanical properties that make our surfboards unique in terms of durability and performance. The high stability of the material offers long-term protection against dings, while the elasticity of the material ensures the special flex of our boards.