more than just raw material efficiency

In addition to paying particular attention to the correct use of raw materials, cradle to cradle also places great value on social components in the company and the well-being of employees. For example, the positive aspects of part-time work concepts are discussed and the importance of flat hierarchies is highlighted. These are points that we take very seriously and strive to shape our company accordingly.

Our social responsibility
  • construction

    We use as few different materials as possible for your surfboard. We try to combine them in such a way that they can be returned to their own cycle after their life as a surfboard.

  • the company

    As a company, we are aware that our responsibility goes beyond our product: When setting up the workshop and designing the work processes, the well-being of the workers and a good working atmosphere were and are the focus.

  • design

    When we founded the company, it was clear to us that the cradle to cradle concept would be one of our main principles for corporate management. We manifest this through the name 'cuna' - cradle in Spanish. The design of our company logo also reflects this concept: It illustrates the circular economy with its interlocking circles.